Understanding Acne: Its Meaning and Modern Treatments

Acne is primarily a condition that affects the skin’s oil glands. The pores in your skin connect to these oil glands via follicles, which are small tunnels. These oil glands secrete an oily substance called sebum. The sebum’s primary responsibility is to carry dead skin cells to the surface of the skin through the follicles. When these follicles get blocked, a pimple grows.

Most pimples are observed on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Acne is not a severe health risk, but it can leave skin scars. There are different types of pimples such as whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nobules, and cysts.

The Meaning of Acne on the Face

Multiple factors contribute to the growth of facial acne. A few of these include overactive oil glands, blockage of skin pores, activity of normal skin bacteria, and inflammation. Hormonal changes, stress, certain medications, diet, and greasy cosmetics can also exacerbate the development of acne. It is, however, important to note that acne is not caused by dirt.

Acne on the face has different meanings, depending on its location. According to face mapping, an old technique rooted in Ayurveda teachings and Chinese medicine, the location of acne spots on your face could present clues about what’s causing them. For instance, acne on the forehead might indicate problems with digestion, while acne on the cheeks could suggest lung and respiratory issues. However, it’s crucial to understand that these interpretations aren’t scientifically validated, and acne’s primary causes are generally hormonal imbalances, bacteria, and excess sebum production.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Acne

Not all acne is the same, and sometimes this common skin problem can be a symptom of a deeper health issue like hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). HS is a chronic skin condition characterized by painful lumps under the skin, usually in the armpit, groin, buttocks, and breasts areas. It can appear on the face in rare cases. Unlike common acne, it takes on the form of painful abscesses and boils and can leave behind scarring and tunneling under the skin.

Hidradenitis suppurativa treatments vary from person to person depending on factors such as disease stage, severity, the person’s overall health, and their tolerance for certain medicines. Standard treatment approaches include self-care practices, non-prescribed remedies, medicines (antibiotics, corticosteroids, hormonal therapy, immunosuppressive drugs), and in severe cases, surgery.


Understanding the different types and meanings of acne on the face is crucial for proper care and treatment. Determining the root cause of your acne is the first step towards dealing with this pesky skin condition. Whether minor or severe, seeking consultation from a dermatologist can save a lot of discomfort and distress. Moreover, it is crucial to remember the role of a healthy lifestyle, diet, and good skincare in managing acne, as these can significantly impact your skin’s health.